In English

A warm welcome to my blooming oasis! It’s a great joy to share the garden and my ideas of gardening with you! We offer inspiration, courses, plants, beautiful things and coaching in gardening. Everything I do is based on my gardening philosophy, which to a large extent is also my approach to life.

  • Work with nature, not against it
  • Take care of what is close
  • Appreciate every day
  • See the beauty
  • Feel the joy

About the garden

Welcome to my garden! I call it ”Sense the Garden”, and for me gardening is very much about emotions and memories. It is also the name of my garden book, which was nominated as Garden Book of the Year 2016, in Sweden.

It is a private garden, open for groups booked in advance. Located in Askim, it is close to Gothenburg with its famous Botanical Garden and other public gardens of great interest. Very close is also the ocean with beautiful beach meadows and nature typical of Bohuslän.

The garden is 1100 squaremetres, with six garden rooms organized around the house. Each setting has its unique theme, colour and scent.

”Thank you for such a wonderful visit. I loved the garden, the way you worked WITH the site to create such a beautiful place. Also your generosity by inviting the public to enjoy it.” Maureen Kesteven, The National Gardens Scheme, England.

Garden map and presentation >>

Read more on Trädgårdsresan >>


The layout and plantings are designed by Camilla Danielsson, who takes her inspiration both from the nearby nature and her favourite public garden, the Gothenburg Botanical Garden. It has several atmospheric settings and diverse plantings with interest from May to September.


Plan your visit

I am are happy to welcome groups to my garden, from May to September.
To bring a group to Sense the Garden, please contact Camilla Danielsson:

Tel: +46 (0) 709 855 033

The leader or coach driver must call Camilla approximately 30 minutes before arriving at the garden so that we can guide you to a parking place and ensure a nice welcome.


Where to find

Sense the Garden is in Askim, close to the city of Gothenburg on Sweden’s West Coast.

Visiting address: Askims Jordhyttebacke 4.

The garden is located at the top of a hill. It has some narrow paths and stairs of varying severity. Paving stones may be uneven or slippery when wet. Please take care when walking on the paths.


When to visit

In May and June there are plenty of bulbs in colour coordinated plantings, such as tulips, camassias and alliums, all rizing from the green freshness of emerging perennials. Flowering trees surround the plantings, such as magnolias, apple, azaleas, rhododendron, tree peonies and other early flowering shrubs and trees.

During summer the roses dominate, prefererably old roses and climbers. A variety of clematis mingle almost everywhere. Later on herbaceous perennials come into their own. The heleniums, the phlox, the daylilies, the astilbes and lots more. When summer peaks in august the asters and the ornamental grasses take lead in almost all borders, welcoming the early autum glory which normally start to show from late September and onwards.



All visits should be booked and agreed on in advance. The fee is 100 SEK (approx. 10 Euros) per person, with a mininum fee of 1500 SEK (approx. 150 Euros), and include a guided tour for about 45 minutes. There is also a souvenir shop with garden decorations, my book and seasonal perennials from my garden.

Make something  more of the garden visit

Coffee, tea and a variety of refreshments can be offered and agreed on in advance. The garden has places to mingle or to sit down.



Fågel, fisk eller mittemellan? Hos Camilla Danielsson är terrängen kraftigt kuperad, med huset placerat på bergshöjden. Hela trädgården släntar! Från träterrassen längts upp och hela vägen ner till den gamla lekstugan. Inte den enklaste typ av trädgård att anlägga och den fortsatta skötseln kan vara rena motionspasset – men tack vare nivåskillnaderna bjuds det fantastiska vyer. Camilla har valt att variera sina gröna rum med både öppna ytor, svepande linjer, formell entre’gård och ett härligt skuggigt woodland, där stigarna slingrar sig fram, upp och ner för slänten. Fotograferat första veckan i juni, i Askim utanför Göteborg, zon 1.